NY Reach Men's 2024

Aug 29 2024 - Sep 3 2024
New York City, NY
Application Fee: $50.00
NY Reach Men's 2024:  Join the men from CBC as we travel to New York City to share the gospel and make disciples.  We will be having conversations with people we meet in parks, at the museums, in the hostel - wherever God presents us with an opportunity to talk to people.  We will be praying with them and sharing the gospel with them, as God leads.  Our experiences there will enable us to implement these practices once we return home, so that we can be more aware of opportunities in our local community and places of work.

8 going

4 spots left

4 days left

Application Deadline:
Jul 30 2024
1:00 PM CDT
Apply Now
Application Fee: $50.00


Tim Weaver



Due 8/29/2024




  1. This opportunity is for men 18 years and older.


No stories have been posted for this opportunity yet.